7 Tips for Tearing Down an Old Fence

Tom Xu • August 7, 2022

7 Tips for Tearing Down an Old Fence

Is it time for your fence to go? Has rot or damage gotten the best of it? There is no hope for a repair, is there? Don't worry. We are here to help! We understand how frustrating it is to look at an old, damaged fence. It is not pretty at all! The good news is this is a project you can do on your own. It does not matter if you own a wood fence or vinyl fence; the process is the same. Today, we give you seven tips for tearing down an old fence.

A Note of Advice

Before you get a crowbar and start prying up fence boards, you should ensure that the fence is yours to tear down. Fences often stand on the line between two properties. And if you remove your neighbor's fence without their permission, they can sue you. Surely, you don't want that! 

Check with your city's planning office to see if there are any records for your property. Alternatively, have a surveyor identify the location of the property line relative to the fence. You could also ask your neighbor's permission, but ensure you get it in writing. That will certainly help you avoid any problems.

Now, Here Are the Tips You Need to Remove an Old Fence

1. Check for Utility Lines Near Your Fence

Before digging, you should always call the local utility companies, no matter where you live. This is precautionary, so it is as essential to the process as any other thing we may say. Your fence posts get buried a few feet deep and may have been there for a long time. 

Before you start digging up fence posts, you need to know if the utility companies have put in any lines near your fence. You don't want to get a fine because you took down an old fence post and cut off phone service for half the neighborhood.

2. Get the Right Tools and Go Slowly

Before you knock down a fence post, you will also need the right tools. 

The right tools will save you time and unnecessary expenses. You may want to hire a
Mission Viejo fence company if you are unsure of the tools you need. More than getting the right tools, make sure you use them safely. Sometimes a project like this can go south if you are not careful.

But you will need to go slowly too. You need to be patient when you want to take the boards or panels off your fence. If you move too quickly, the boards could break or splinter, giving you more work to do and more mess to clean up. 

Again, you don't want to get hurt by old or rusty nails sticking out of boards and fence posts. So take your time! Besides, it's much easier to stay safe and pay attention when you're not in a hurry.

3. Identify the Weak Points

Know where the weak spots are because those are the easiest to attack first. Before tearing down the old fence, you will need to look at it very closely. You'll need to know where the weak spots are because that's where you should begin. If your fence is of stone or brick, you may need to ask friends or family for help.

4. Take it Step-by-Step

When you take down a chain-link fence, you should start by taking out the wire ties and metal fittings. Pulling the fence down by its posts will be much harder and take a lot more time, especially if you need to move trash. After you take off the chain link, you will start taking out the posts. Each post will need to be "rocked out" or dug out of the ground. What we are trying to say is, go in order. Take this project step-by-step, and you will complete it in little time!

5. Safely Remove the Fence Panels But Decide First

You'll have to decide if you want to take down the whole fence or just the panels. If your posts are still in good shape, you could use them again. But if you push on your posts and they move easily, that probably means they also need to get replaced. If they look stable with no sign of breakage, you should be fine.

You can take your fence down to its posts in a few different ways. With an electric saw, you can just cut the fence material along the post. But you can also take down your fence piece by piece. To do this, you'll need to use a hammer to hit the board against the rail so that some of the nails can stick out. Then, you can use the back of your hammer to pull the nail out and move the board freely.

6. Before Removing Old Footings, Dismantle Them.

For many people, the most difficult part of dismantling an old fence is removing its concrete pillars from the ground. However, there is an easier approach to removing them from the ground than digging them out one by one. 

Before attempting to remove the concrete footing, break it up as much as possible using a sledgehammer. Alternatively, you can use a stone splitter if you can find one. You see, it will be easier to remove the footer if you have broken it into pieces. 

Besides, less digging in the dirt surrounding the footer means better-looking grass. Cutting down your fence posts using a chainsaw may also be helpful so that you don't have to worry about hitting the post when you break the concrete.

7. Dispose Properly

After you've completed the project, you may find yourself with a mountain of discarded wood littering your property. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of it. 

In some cases, a special pickup may be available by contacting your local dump collection service. Sometimes, this is not a free service, so you might want to prepare some cash. If it isn't too damaged, you can advertise the free fence wood on Craigslist or another social media site. Most of the time, someone will accept your offer. Finally, you should try to reuse as much of the wood as possible. Recycle your old wood and make some art pieces that you can use to decorate your garden.

We Are Here to Help

Mission Viejo Fencing Co is here to help with your fence installation, repair, and removal. Feel free to reach out to us anytime. And remember safety first! This kind of project is not easy to do alone. However, if it turns out some good can still come out of your old fence, here’s how to give it a facelift!

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